Verify User Emails
Ross Weisman avatar
Written by Ross Weisman
Updated over a week ago

Email verification allows you to confirm that a user has a valid email address. This gives you added user security as well as the confidence that check-ins and recaps are being delivered to the right place.

Note: Even if a user has not verified their email, they will still be delivered all system emails.

A user will be asked to re-verify their email any time it is changed (whether by themselves or a manager).

How to see if a user's email is verified

Managers can see if a user has verified their email in user management under the "Email Status" column.

Grey = Unverified

Green = Verified

How to prompt users to verify their email

When a user receives their invitation to Upfront via email, their email will automatically be verified once they have set up their password.

  • If a user was never sent an invitation to set up a log in, you can still verify their email, however they will not be asked to set up login credentials. This can be done via a password reset, which also serves to verify a user's email.

A manager can prompt users to verify their email if they have not already done so by using the "Bulk Verification" button in user management:

Then select which users you would like to send the verification email to, either via "Select All" or individually:

When you click "OK" an email will be sent to these users, with a link that allows them to verify.

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