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Edit your user's settings
Edit your user's settings

Add new employees, update job title, permission level and location, plus set an employee to active or inactive

Alex Weisman avatar
Written by Alex Weisman
Updated over a week ago

If your permission level is Manager or above, you can edit all user settings via User Management which can be accessed via your web browser.  Currently it is NOT available on the Mobile Apps. 

In the left side menu, click "Users" 

In User Management, scroll to the user you wish to edit, scroll to the far right side and click on the edit pencil.

From here, you can change the following information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Job Title, Locations, Permission Level, Hire Date, Term Date, Birthday and Status. Once your desired changes are made, select save at the bottom of the dialogue box.

Assign a user to one or more locations

Any user, regardless of their permission level, can be assigned to one or more locations. By default, the account owner has access to all locations. Directors and managers can only assign users to locations where they themselves have been assigned.

  • Note: Whether or not a user is actively working in a location, if any data has ever been generated for them you will want to leave that location assigned to them.  This will allow you to see all of their historical data for that location.

Set a user's job title

A user's job title is set by location and is critical to the system presenting you the correct behavioral tags for feedback creation.

Change a user's email address

When you change a user email address, in addition to changing the destination for any emails (such as password recovery), it will also change the login credentials for the user to that address.

  • Note: The user will receive a notification that the email address has been changed and be asked to verify their new email address via a link in their email inbox.

Activate or inactivate a user

A user can be inactivated when necessary, for instance if an employee is no longer with the company.   

Inactivating an employee will preserve their employee file and the data it contains.  It's important to note that this is a global action which means it will affect all locations an employee is assigned to, which you can read more about here.

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